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IPL Photo Rejuvenation in Portland, OR for a More Youthful Glow

Our IPL photo rejuvenation services in Portland, OR help undo the damage done to your skin by the sun’s harsh rays, reduce wrinkles, and treat acne and rosacea. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy gives our clients a modern way to reduce fine lines and increase skin elasticity by using broadband lights to induce controlled wounds. This will prompt your skin to create new cells and stimulate new collagen in the treated areas. This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother, vibrant, and younger-looking. In addition, the photothermal energy eliminates the fine vessels that cause redness and reduces the unwanted melanin that produces pigmented lesions effectively treating rosacea. An additional benefit from IPL treatments is it’s ability to treat acne and eliminate breakouts before they happen by killing the acne causing bacteria below the skin. Give our professional experts a call today to ask any further questions you may have or book a free consultation about the process and get your free initial consultation on our calendar.

Laser Skin Solutions provides IPL treatments that rejuvenate the skin and revers the signs of aging.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation Services We Offer

Laser Skin Solutions is dedicated to providing only the best services available to help our client reach their peak confidence and skin health goals. IPL photo rejuvenation services allow us to do both at once. These services are available for most skin types to bring your skin back to life, assisting with acne scarring, rosacea, sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles.

Our Rejuvenation Options

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

We use IPL to gently heat the upper layer of your skin to begin developing new collagen and skin cell growth. This treatment is particularly effective at helping those who suffer from sun damage and early signs of aging. Our state-of-the-art IPL machine is equipped with advanced cooling features, allowing the use of high-powered energy with minimal discomfort.


We use IPL to gently heat the upper layer of your skin to begin developing new collagen and skin cell growth. This treatment is particularly effective at helping those who suffer from sun damage and early signs of aging. Our state-of-the-art IPL machine is equipped with advanced cooling features, allowing the use of high-powered energy with minimal discomfort. You will also receive a double cleanse, facial massage, intensive hydration mask, toner, moisturizer, and SPF protection for immediate results and ultimate protection.

Allow Us to Help You Get Healthy, Younger Skin

Whether you want to correct sun damage or reverse aging effects, Laser Skin Solutions is happy to help get you the skin you want and deserve. Our industry-leading IPL photo rejuvenation services and more will help get you there. Schedule your appointment online or reach out to our dedicated staff today to schedule your treatment or consultation, and let us help you regain the confidence needed to show off your skin proudly.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation Promotional Offer

Photo Rejuvenation Cost

Below are the costs associated with our IPL photo rejuvenation services:

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

Now $95
Regularly $135

IPL treatment to the face, neck, upper chest, lower arms, upper arms, upper back, or shoulders to even out skin tones, repair damage caused by the sun, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation to the Hands

Now $95
Regularly $115

IPL treatment to both hands treating sun damage and signs of aging.



This treatment includes the benefits of an IPL treatment with the soothing and skin brightening effects of a full facial. Treatments last about 1 hour.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation Package

Now $285 Regularly $365

Three IPL photo rejuvenation treatments to the face, neck, upper chest, lower arms, upper arms, upper back, or shoulders. Repairing sun damage, and reversing the signs of aging by treating wrinkles often requires more than one treatment and usually affects more than just one area of our bodies. This makes a package a great option for those of you needing more extensive treatments. This options saves you 10% compared to purchasing individual treatments and can be used towards treatments of a single area or treat three areas in a single visit.

Ipl laser treatments are versatile and an effective rosacea treatment, acne treatment, wrinkle treatment, and sun spot treatment.

We’re Here for All Your Aesthetic & Body Contouring Services

At Laser Skin Solutions, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible medical aesthetic, skin care and body contouring outcomes. Our team of experienced professionals offers a range of advanced treatments and personalized services to address your unique needs and goals. We offer ongoing support and guidance throughout your treatment journey, including post-treatment care instructions, follow-up appointments, and access to skincare products to help you maintain and enhance your results. Whether you’re seeking wrinkle treatments, cosmetic injections, skin care solutions or body contouring treatments, Laser Skin Solutions is committed to helping you achieve your desired outcomes and feel confident in your skin. We are here to support you every step of the way on your path to healthier, more radiant skin and a contoured physique.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation FAQs

These are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about IPL photo rejuvenation services:

The procedure is gentle, non-invasive, and safe. While everyone’s tolerance is different, there is usually no need for a topical anesthetic, but it is available if needed.

The treatment is used to reverse the signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles as well as treat acne and acne scaring. It is also used to treat sunspots that appear on your hands, arms, upper back, chest, shoulders, and face.

The light energy will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate new collagen.

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